Administrative hearing to consider a 2-year Permit Extension to a previously-approved Lot Line Adjustment (Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 19-342, HCD-Planning Permit File No. PLN180517) allowing a Lot Line Adjustment between four legal lots of record currently under Williamson Act Contract of 160 acres (Parcel 1), 40 acres (Parcel 2), 160 acres (Parcel 3) and 320 acres (Parcel 4) into four resulting lots of 218 acres (Parcel A), 141 acres (Parcel B), 228 acres (Parcel C) and 93 acres (Parcel D). The lots are under Williamson Act Contract.
Project Location: West of Lockwood San Lucas Road, San Lucas, South County Area Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Finding that the project is an Extension of a permit which was granted with a Class 5 Categorical Exemption of the CEQA Guidelines; circumstances and conditions of the project have not changed and therefore, subsequent environmental review is not required.
It is recommended that the HCD Chief of Planning adopt a resolution to:
a. Find that the project is an Extension of a permit which was granted with a Class 5 Categorical Exemption of the CEQA Guidelines; circumstances and conditions of the project have not changed and therefore, subsequent environmental review is not required; and
b. Approve a 2-year Permit Extension to a previously-approved Lot Line Adjustment (Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 19-342) allowing a Lot Line Adjustment between four (4) legal lots of record currently under Williamson Act Contract of 160 acres (Parcel 1), 40 acres (Parcel 2), 160 acres (Parcel 3) and 320 acres (Parcel 4) into four (4) resulting lots of 218 acres (Parcel A), 141 acres (Parcel B), 228 acres (Parcel C) and 93 acres (Parcel D) under Williamson Act Agricultural Preserve Land Conservation Contract (AGP) No. 69-012 established by County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 69-35-12 with no net decrease in acreage under Williamson Act Contract.
The attached draft resolution includes findings and evidence for consideration (Exhibit A).
Agent: Lynn Kovach
Property Owner: Echenique Ranch
APNs: 421-121-053-000 (portion of); 421-121-056-000; 421-121-027-000 (portion of); and 421-121-058-000
Zoning: Farmlands, 40 acre-minimum or “F/40” and Permanent Grazing, 40 acre-minimum or “PG/40”
Plan Area: South County Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: No
Staff is recommending approval of an Extension to a previously approved Lot Line Adjustment subject to the findings and evidence in the attached Resolution (see Exhibit A), and subject to the conditions of approval attached to the Resolution. Please read these carefully and contact the planner if you have any questions. Unless otherwise noted in the conditions, the applicant will be required to satisfy all permit conditions of this extension permit and PLN180517 prior to the issuance of a building/grading permits and/or commencement of the approved use.
On December 4, 2024, an administrative decision will be made. A public notice has been distributed for this project. The deadline for submittal of written comments in opposition to the project, its findings, or conditions, based on a substantive issue, is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. The permit will be administratively approved the following day if we do not receive any written comments by the deadline. You will receive a copy of your approved permit in the mail. We will notify you as soon as possible in the event that we receive correspondence in opposition to your project or if the application is referred to a public hearing.
Note: This project will be referred to the Monterey County Zoning Administrator if a public hearing is necessary. The decision on this project is appealable to the Board of Supervisors.
Prepared by: Kayla Nelson, Associate Planner, x6408
Reviewed and Approved by: Mary Israel, Supervising Planner
The following attachments are on file with HCD:
Exhibit A - Draft Resolution including:
• Recommended Conditions of Approval
Exhibit B - Extension Request Letter
Exhibit C - Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 19-342, dated October 15, 2019.
cc: Front Counter Copy; South County Fire Protection District; HCD-Environmental Services; HCD-Engineering Services; Environmental Health Bureau; Kayla Nelson, Planner; Mary Israel, Supervising Planner; Echenique Ranch, Property Owner; Lynn Kovach, Agent; The Open Monterey Project; LandWatch (Executive Director); Lozeau Drury LLP; Planning File PLN180517-EXT1