File #: 25-041    Name: Dominion Voting Amendment 2
Type: General Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Title: Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer, or their designee, to execute Amendment No. 2 to Agreement A-13733 with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. to add $152,229 for an aggregate do not exceed amount of $2,491,183 to pay for leased equipment and services with no changes to the agreement term of October 22, 2019 through December 31, 2025.
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Dominion Amendment 2.pdf, 3. Dominion Amendment 1.pdf, 4. Dominion Voting Systems Agreement A-13733.pdf, 5. Completed Board Order Item No. 32


Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer, or their designee, to execute Amendment No. 2 to Agreement A-13733 with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. to add $152,229 for an aggregate do not exceed amount of $2,491,183 to pay for leased equipment and services with no changes to the agreement term of October 22, 2019 through December 31, 2025. 




It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:


Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer, or their designee, to execute Amendment No. 2 to Agreement A-13733 with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. to add $152,229 for an aggregate do not exceed amount of $2,491,183 to pay for leased equipment and services with no changes to the agreement term of October 22, 2019 through December 31, 2025. 




This amendment reflects an administrative change to an approved fee schedule and adjusts for additional taxes in the do not exceed amount in Amendment No. 1 approved by the Board on October 22, 2019. 


The approval of this request will allow for the final payment and continuation of the voting system and services for the agreed term of October 22, 2019 through December 31, 2025, for a total amount not to exceed $2,491,183.  No other changes are made to Agreement A-13733 or Amendment No. 1.


Copies of Agreement A-13733 and Amendment No. 1 are on file with the Clerk of the Board.



The request has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and by the Auditor-Controller regarding fiscal provisions. 




There will be no additional cost to the County General Fund. Funding was incorporated into the budget for Fiscal Year 24-25. 




This item is in line with the Board’s vision for providing efficient service and cost neutral administration.


Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives


__Economic Development


__Health & Human Services


__Public Safety


Prepared by: Mary Kikuchi, Management Analyst II, Ext. 1491

Approved by: Gina Martinez, Registrar of Voters, Ext. 1499



Dominion Amendment 2

Dominion Amendment 1

Dominion Voting Systems Agreement A-13733