File #: 25-103    Name: CD-DATA ParcelQuest Renewal Agreement 2025-2030
Type: BoS Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 2/6/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action: 2/25/2025
Title: a. Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute an Agreement with CD-DATA, doing business as ParcelQuest for that entity to compile and use the County’s maps and data, in exchange for a license for the County to be able to use that data and a share in the profits from the sale and/or licensing of the information to others for a five (5) year term of March 1, 2025 through and including February 28, 2030; and b. Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute amendments that do not adversely affect the County liability and/or extend the term of the database information sharing agreement beyond February 28, 2030.
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Proposed Agreement, 3. Completed Board Order Item No. 24, 4. Fully Executed Agreement - CD-DATA ParcelQuest


a. Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute an Agreement with CD-DATA, doing business as ParcelQuest for that entity to compile and use the County’s maps and data, in exchange for a license for the County to be able to use that data and a share in the profits from the sale and/or licensing of the information to others for a five (5) year term of March 1, 2025 through and including February 28, 2030; and

b. Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute amendments that do not adversely affect the County liability and/or extend the term of the database information sharing agreement beyond February 28, 2030.



A.                     Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute an Agreement with CD-DATA, doing business as ParcelQuest for that entity to compile and use the County’s maps and data, in exchange for a license for the County to be able to use that data and a share in the profits from the sale and/or licensing of the information to others for a five (5) year term of March 1, 2025 through and including February 28, 2030; and

B.                     Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute amendments that do not adversely affect the County liability and/or extend the term of the database information sharing agreement beyond February 28, 2030.



CD-DATA dba ParcelQuest is engaged in the business of acquiring, compiling, arranging, selecting, formatting, and distributing for a fee, land records and other data (“Data”), and maps and other images (“Maps”), in electronic form. ParcelQuest sells licensed subscriptions to such Data and Maps in conjunction with data management programs, such as ParcelQuest, which is available in various formats including compact disc and via the ParcelQuest website.


In 2000, the County of Monterey executed an Agreement (April 2000 Database Information Sharing Agreement) with CD-DATA for that entity to compile and use the County's maps and data, in exchange for a license for the County to be able to use that data via ParcelQuest data management software and share in the profits from the sale of the information to others. The portion of the revenue generated from the sale and/or licensing of Data and Maps for the County Area is to be calculated as twenty percent (20%) of the gross annual revenue generated from the sale and/or licensing of Data and Maps for the County Area. 


At this time, it is requested that the Board approve and authorize the County Assessor or their designee to continue participating in the Agreement at no cost to the County for a five (5) year term of March 1, 2025 through and including February 28, 2030, and further to execute all appropriate amendments and extensions of the Agreement through February 28, 2030 that do not substantially change the terms and liabilities of the County’s participation in the Agreement. The County has, and will continue to benefit from the services performed pursuant to this Agreement.


The County of Monterey has successfully participated in this coordination and cooperation through a similar, if not identical agreement for over 24 years, and this Agreement is effectively the renewal of this service.



The Office of the County Counsel has reviewed and approved the agreement as to form.



Continued participation in the Agreement has no additional impact on the County’s General Fund or current County Budget.



The services rendered in this agreement provide the Assessor with the additional support it needs to provide reliable and high-quality services to the residents of Monterey County.


Mark a check to the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives


_x_Economic Development


___Health & Human Services


___Public Safety


Prepared by: Chihiro Marie Tabata, Management Analyst, ext x6607


Approved by: Xochitl Marina Camacho, Assessor County Clerk/Recorder, ext x5874



Proposed Agreement