Adopt Resolution to:
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 Appendices A and B to create the classifications of Cardiac Sonographer and Cardiac Sonographer-Per Diem with the salary ranges as indicated in Attachment A;
b. Amend the Natividad FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget Unit 9600-8142 - Fund 451 - Appropriation Unit NMC001 to reallocate three (3.0) Sonographer to three (3.0) Cardiac Sonographer as indicated in Attachment A; and
c. Authorize the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM System.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Adopt Resolution to:
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 Appendices A and B to create the classifications of Cardiac Sonographer and Cardiac Sonographer-Per Diem with the salary ranges as indicated in Attachment A;
b. Amend the Natividad FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget Unit 9600-8142 - Fund 451 - Appropriation Unit NMC001 to reallocate three (3.0) Sonographer to three (3.0) Cardiac Sonographer as indicated in Attachment A; and
c. Authorize the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM System.
A base wage compensation study of the Sonographer classification was requested by Natividad administration staff. The reasons cited for the request was to check salary alignment with the hospital comparable agencies identified in the County’s Compensation Philosophy approved in December 2021. While researching the salaries for the Sonographer classification series, it was discovered that many of the comparable agencies classified those that perform cardiac sonography into separate classifications. Cardiac sonography is a specialized field that focuses on images of the heart and major vessels. The scope of the Sonographer compensation study broadened to include a classification study to determine if sufficient market data was available to support the separation of cardiac sonography from the rest of the diagnostic medical sonography field.
The analysis of the County’s hospital comparable agencies found the Cardiac Sonographer classification was matched to five (5) of the six (6) hospital comparable agencies. All of the comparable agencies that have a cardiology service line employ Cardiac Sonographers and require employees to hold ARDMS, CCI or ARRT certification. Therefore, Natividad recommends adding the classification of Cardiac Sonographer and reallocating three (3) vacant Sonographer positions to Cardiac Sonographer to support the Cardiology Clinic and to align service delivery with our comparable agencies.
By way of background, Natividad has expanded Cardiology services to include adding five cardiologists that provide a wide range of cardiac services in an outpatient setting. The Cardiology Clinic offers everything from preventive care to testing and monitoring to the treatment of heart conditions and vascular disease. In order to recruit and retain qualified staff in this area, Natividad needs to appropriately classify, and compensate employees with industry certifications based on the County’s labor market.
Natividad also recommends creating a per-diem Cardiac Sonographer classification to hire additional temporary qualified staff that is immediately available to address the fluctuations in census and shift coverages to ensure that the service line is never interrupted due to staffing issues. The new classification of Cardiac Sonographer-Per Diem is recommended to be created and compensated with a spread of 8.34% above the Cardiac Sonographer classification. This percentage matches the current spread between the Sonographer classification and Sonographer-Per Diem classification.
The recommended actions are in accordance with the County’s compensation philosophy to maintain a competitive compensation package that attracts and retains the highest quality candidates and employees to serve the community.
The Human Resources Department and the Civil Rights Office have reviewed and concur with the recommendations. In addition, SEIU has been provided notice of these recommendations.
The salary and benefits increase for Natividad Budget Unit 9600-8142 - Fund 451 - Appropriation Unit NMC001 for the remainder of FY 2022-23 is approximately $18,895 annually. Approval of the above actions has no impact on the General Fund.
This recommendation supports the Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Initiatives by providing consistent, high-quality patient care through County & hospital supported programs, and promoting access to equitable services to improve the health of patients in the community.
__Economic Development
X Health & Human Services
__Public Safety
Prepared by:
Janine Bouyea, Hospital Assistant Administrator, (831) 783-2701
Approved by:
Dr. Charles Harris, Hospital Chief Executive Officer, (831) 783-2553
Attachment A