Administrative hearing to consider allowing the establishment of commercial cannabis activities consisting of mixed-light cultivation, nursery, self-distribution, self and third-party processing and non-volatile manufacturing within existing greenhouses (approx. 145,576 square feet) and an existing 3,200 square foot storage building.
Project Location: 50 Zabala Road, Salinas, CA
Proposed CEQA action: Consider an Addendum together with a previously adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines section 15164.
It is recommended that the HCD Chief of Planning adopt a resolution to:
a. Consider an Addendum together with a previously adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines section 15164; and
b. Approve an Administrative Permit to allow the establishment of commercial cannabis activities consisting of mixed light cultivation, nursery, self-distribution, self and third-party processing and non-volatile manufacturing within existing greenhouses (approx. 145,576 square feet) and an existing 3,200 square foot storage building.
The attached draft resolution includes findings and evidence for consideration (Exhibit A). Staff recommends approval subject to 18 conditions of approval.
Agent: Trinh Retterer, JRG Attorneys at Law
Property Owner: Luksik Daniel & Janet S TRS
APN: 107-011-006-000
Parcel Size: 39.76 acres (1,731,746 square feet)
Zoning: Farmland, 40 acres per unit or “F/40”
Plan Area: Greater Salinas Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: N/A
Staff is recommending approval of a Administrative Permit subject to the findings and evidence in the attached Resolution (see Exhibit A), and subject to the conditions of approval attached to the Resolution. Please read these carefully and contact the planner if you have any questions. Unless otherwis...
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