a. Receive a presentation from staff and Ascent Environmental on an update of the Community Climate Action & Adaptation Plan Greenhouse Gas Inventory; and
b. Provide direction to staff.
It is recommended that the Alternative Energy and Environment Committee:
a. Receive a presentation from staff and Ascent Environmental on an update of the Community Climate Action & Adaptation Plan Greenhouse Gas Inventory; and
b. Provide direction to staff.
Staff recommends that the Alternative Energy and Environment Committee receive an update on the Greenhouse Gas Inventory that will be used to inform the Community Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CCAAP). Since previous unincorporated Monterey County emissions inventories were published on the County’s Konveio website in 2022, several updates were made based on comments received and the availability of newer information. These updates are described in more detail in the following sections and are related to the following specific sources: livestock operations on agricultural lands, fertilizer application on agricultural lands, pesticide application on agricultural lands, and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) associated with residents, employees, and visitors of the unincorporated county. Additionally, the attached Final Monterey Community GHG Inventory Memo discusses each of these areas in detail.
On-Road Transportation
The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments’ (AMBAG) Regional Travel Demand Model (RTDM) provides vehicle miles traveled (VMT) estimates for the entire region and for each of the counties of Monterey, Santa Cruz & San Benito. However, according to AMBAG, VMT data provided by the RTDM is not accurate at smaller geographic scales, including at the jurisdiction-specific level. As part of its services for local agencies, AMBAG produced a 2019 GHG emissions inventory for the unincorporated county, including a VMT estimate, which was used i...
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