Approve an increase in appropriations totaling $80,000 in Auditor-Controller, Appropriation Unit AUD001 (001-1110-6111), and a decrease in Terminations Assigned Fund Balance (001-3115), to offset unexpected retirement and layoff termination costs. (4/5th Vote Required)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve an increase in appropriations totaling $80,000 in Auditor-Controller, Appropriation Unit AUD001 (001-1110-6111), and a decrease in Terminations Assigned Fund Balance (001-3115), to offset unexpected retirement and layoff termination costs. (4/5th Vote Required)
The recommended increase in appropriations totaling $80,000 offsets termination costs for an unexpected retirement and an employee layoff due to budget reductions. The funds to offset the termination costs will be provided by Assigned Fund Balance in the General Fund which has been set aside to offset the cost of retirement and layoff costs due to the buyout of accrued leave.
The Board's Budget Committee and the County Administrative Office have reviewed and support the recommended action.
Funds for the $80,000 increase in appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14 are offset by Assigned Fund Balance in the General Fund (Terminations 001-3115).
Prepared by: Alfred R. Friedrich, CGFM, Assistant Auditor-Controller, 755-5343
Approved by: Michael J. Miller, CPA, Auditor-Controller, 755-5040