Introduce, waive the reading, and set January 9, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. to consider adoption of an ordinance amending the Monterey County Code, Title 12, Section 12.28.010, to establish no parking at any time on the east side of Prunedale South Road from a point 435 feet north of the extension of the centerline of Olson Place (a private road), northerly for a distance of 253 feet, in Prunedale. Introduce, waive the reading, and set January 9, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. to consider adoption of an ordinance amending the Monterey County Code, Title 12, Section 12.28.010, to establish no parking at any time on the east side of Prunedale South Road from a point 435 feet north of the extension of the centerline of Olson Place (a private road), northerly for a distance of 253 feet, in Prunedale.