Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Declare a shelter crisis within incorporated and unincorporated areas of Monterey County to address the significant number of unhoused persons unable to obtain shelter that has resulted in a threat to the health and safety of those persons; and
b. Authorize Departments of Monterey County to collaborate and work with the Continuum of Care, local jurisdictions, and partners to urgently address the need to provide a variety of shelter options, including but not limited to, low-barrier navigation centers, interim living facilities, recuperative care centers, and post-hospitalization beds; and
c. Authorize County staff to utilize the declaration of a shelter crisis to be statutorily exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act for shelter related construction and development projects; and
d. Authorize extending the shelter crisis declaration throughout the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Monterey County until December 31, 2034, pursuant to Government Code Sections 8698 through 8698.2.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Declare a shelter crisis within incorporated and unincorporated areas of Monterey County to address the significant number of unhoused persons unable to obtain shelter that has resulted in a threat to the health and safety of those persons; and
b. Authorize Departments of Monterey County to collaborate and work with the Continuum of Care, local jurisdictions, and partners to urgently address the need to provide a variety of shelter options, including but not limited to, low-barrier navigation centers, interim living facilities, recuperative care centers, and post-hospitalization beds; and
c. Authorize County staff to utilize the declaration of a shelter crisis to be statutorily exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act for shelter related construction and development projects; and
d. Authorize extending the shelter crisis...
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