a. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to increase FY 2021-22 revenues and appropriations in the Agricultural Commissioner's Office Budget (001-2810-AGR001-8001) by $674,133, financed by Mill Tax revenue; (4/5ths Vote Required)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to increase FY 2021-22 revenues and appropriations in the Agricultural Commissioner's Office Budget (001-2810-AGR001-8001) by $674,133, financed by Mill Tax revenue; (4/5ths Vote Required)
The Agricultural Commissioner requires an increase to appropriations as a result of higher salaries and benefits during fiscal year 2021-22. The Agricultural Commissioner realized unanticipated revenue of $581,643 in FY 2021-22 along with court fines and licensing fees of $92,490. The unanticipated revenue was $581,643 unbudgeted revenue from Pesticide Mill Tax. The department experienced an increased number of licensing application fees in FY 2021-22 resulting in $30,121 in unanticipated revenue as well as civil court judgements that saw unanticipated revenue of $62,369. Recommended actions authorize an increase in appropriations by $674,133 to meet department salaries and benefit expenses. Support for the Agricultural Commissioner's request utilizes available resources for meeting current department obligations. The department has worked closely with the County Administrative Office Budget and Analysis Division to review this increase in appropriation.
The Agricultural Commissioner saw higher than budgeted salaries and benefits expenses during fiscal year 2021-22. Unbudgeted vacation payouts have totaled $123,482 due to staff retirements/separations from County, unbudgeted increases to wages from MOUs approximately $116,869 and unbudgeted increases to flexible benefit payouts of approximately $42,000 have left the department without the ability to absorb the costs within budget. The Agricultura...
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