Receive a presentation from staff regarding the administration of the November 5, 2024, Presidential General Election.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Receive a presentation from staff regarding the administration of the November 5, 2024, Presidential General Election.
At the request of Supervisor Alejo, the Monterey County Elections Department will provide an overview of the administration of the November 5, 2024, Presidential General Election.
Elections are administered according to state and federal laws and regulations. These laws impact every aspect of elections including security and accessibility. Some of these laws will have been in place for decades and some will have been chaptered with urgency just months before an election. Regardless of duration, these laws provide the framework within which an election official shall administer the election and will have an immediate impact on our community.
On September 22, 2024, Assembly Bill (AB) 3184 (Chapter 437, Statutes of 2024) was signed into law as an urgency bill. Among other items, this bill required that any county with outstanding signature challenges (mail ballots and/or provisional ballots without a signature or with a signature that does not match a signature on file) would have to wait until December 3, 2024 to certify final results allowing for a uniform deadline for voters across the state to return signature cures to have their ballot counted.
Elections continues to see the impact of changes in legislation related to registration, this includes the partnership between the State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to promote seamless voter registration. To that end, for the final report of registration, Monterey County had a record 214,883 registered voters. Voter turnout reached 69.3%, with 88.4% participation categorized as vote by mail (domestic vote by mail voters and military/overseas vot...
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