Adopt a resolution authorizing the Monterey County Sheriff or designee to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (Emergency Management Mutual Aid Plan/Post-Event Agreement), retroactive to January 9, 2023, and all related documentation on behalf of the County, with San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office, for the possible reimbursement of approximately $20,440.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Monterey County Sheriff or designee to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (Emergency Management Mutual Aid Plan/Post-Event Agreement), retroactive to January 9, 2023, and all related documentation on behalf of the County, with San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office, for the possible reimbursement of approximately $20,440.
The Monterey County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) is requesting approval of the signing of Memorandum of Agreement. On January 9, 2023, San Luis Obispo requested assistance in locating a missing child who had been swept away in the river due to the severe winter storms. On January 14, 2023, a Presidential Declaration of Emergency (FEMA-4683-DR-CA) was declared (due to the severe winter storms, flooding, landslides, and mudslides), thereby authorizing the possible reimbursement of funds by the Federal Government and State.
This MOA provides a mechanism for the MCSO to request reimbursement of funds expended while assisting San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office.
The County Administrative Office and Auditor-Controller have reviewed this MOA.
MCSO detailed a fiscal year deficit estimated at $3.6 million during the midyear forecast report, including unbudgeted storm related overtime and supplies amounting to $765,000. Any reimbursement received for mutual aid under the Declared Emergency would help offset some of this deficit.
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