Adopt a Resolution pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Sections 940 and 943(a) to authorize acceptance of a Quitclaim deed for a portion of Scenic Road and execute an Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate to the State California:
a. Finding that acceptance of a Quitclaim deed for a portion of road right-of-way affects existing highways and streets and minor alterations to land which qualify as Class 1 and Class 4 categorical exemptions respectively pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15301(c) - existing highways and streets, CCR Section 15304 - minor public alterations in the condition of the land, and there are no exceptions pursuant to CEQA Guidelines CCR Section 15300.2;
b. Approving and authorizing the Chair to sign the Acceptance and Consent to Recordation of a Quitclaim deed from the State Coastal Conservancy for 420 square feet of land adjacent to Scenic Road along the frontage of Assessor's Parcel Number 009-463-021-000 for the purpose of becoming a part of the Scenic Road right-of-way.
c. Approving and authorizing the Chair to execute an Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Title in Fee and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for said 420 square feet of land adjacent to Scenic Road along the frontage of Assessor's Parcel Number 009-463-021-000: and
e. Directing the Clerk of the Board to first record the executed Quitclaim deed with the County's Acceptance and Consent to Recordation, and second, record the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate in the Office of the County Recorder.
Proposed CEQA Action: Categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines CCR Section 15301(c) - existing highways and streets and CCR Section 15304 - minor public alterations in the condition of the land, and there are no exceptions pursuant to CCR Section 15300.2.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a Resolution, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code...
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