a. Consider request from the Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) to install a Commemorative Plaque on the East Wing of the East and West Wings building; and
b. Provide Direction to Staff on actions to recognize Jo Mora for his design contributions to the East and West Wings building.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Consider request from the Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) to install a Commemorative Plaque on the East Wing of the East and West Wings building; and
b. Provide direction to Staff on actions to recognize Jo Mora for his design contributions to the East and West Wings building:
1. Plaque Installation
2. Resolution
3. Ceremony
The Resource Management Agency received a request from the Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) to place a NSGW historical landmark plaque at the East and West Wings building (former Monterey County Courthouse). This plaque will recognize the architectural and historical significance of the building and its importance to Monterey County and California history as well as recognize architect Robert Stanton and the design contributions of artist Joseph "Jo" Mora.
Staff requests direction from the Board of Supervisors on adopting a resolution recognizing Artist Joseph "Jo" Mora for his design contributions to the East and West Wings building (see Attachment E, Board Resolution). If approved, the plaque would be mounted onto the exterior of the East Wing along West Alisal Street or Church Street by drilling holes into the concrete. Holes are filled with a permanent mastic (liquid nails or epoxy). Studs from the back of the plaque will then be inserted into the drill holes and the plaque will be anchored until the mastic hardens. Staff is also seeking direction on holding a plaque dedication ceremony in conjunction with the resolution and installation.
The Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) is a fraternal organization established in 1875 to ...
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