Conduct a workshop on the draft Sixth Cycle Housing Element, including consideration of revisions to the Housing Element in response to findings from the California Department of Housing and Community Development, and provide direction to staff.
Project Location: Unincorporated County of Monterey
Proposed California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Action: This status report and workshop is statutory exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15262 of the CEQA Guidelines. A Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (“PEIR”) is being prepared for the Housing Element update and will be considered prior to taking any final action on the Housing Element.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Conduct a workshop on the draft Sixth Cycle Housing Element;
b. Consider revisions to the draft Sixth Cycle Housing Element update proposed in response to findings from the California Department of Housing and Community Development; and
c. Provide direction to staff.
The County submitted a draft of the Housing Element Sixth Cycle (2023-2031) update (“HEU6”) to the California Department of Housing & Community Development (“CA HCD”) for the first 90-day review period mandated by the State on August 19, 2024. CA HCD reviewed the County’s initial draft and provided a response in a letter dated November 18, 2024. That letter was posted on the County’s website and sent to interested parties. The CA HCD letter indicates that the County’s draft HEU6 addresses many statutory requirements; however, revisions to the draft are necessary to substantially comply with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code § 65580 et seq.).
County staff reviewed the November 18, 2024 letter from CA HCD, met with the reviewers of the County’s draft HEU6 on December 6, 2024, to clarify some of the recommended revisions, and researched and gathered information in response to the findings in the letter. On Ja...
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