Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve the Monterey County Fish and Game Advisory Commission’s recommendation for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Funds to award $49,900;
b. Designate the grant applicants approved by the Board to receive the recommended funding award; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks or designee to execute required grant agreements with the applicants approved by the Board to receive a Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Fund Program award and to disburse the funding awards as delineated in Exhibit 1.
a. Approve the Monterey County Fish and Game Advisory Commission’s recommendation for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Funds award;
b. Designate the grant applicants approved by the Board to receive the recommended funding award; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks or designee to execute required grant agreements with the applicants approved by the Board to receive a Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Fund Program award and to disburse the funding awards as delineated in Exhibit 1.
California Fish and Game Code Section 13100 (Code) establishes that fish and wildlife propagation funds be expended for the protection, conservation, propagation, and preservation of fish and wildlife resources, under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the Fish and Game Code. Funds are received through various State of California Fish and Wildlife fines issued by Game Wardens as well as court fees and case settlements. The Code defines the purposes for which a county may award fish and wildlife propagation grant funds (PGF) (Attachment A). PGF funds are intended to provide financial resources to qualified agencies, organizations, groups, and individuals working to protect, preserve, enhance, and promote fish and wildlife resources. Coun...
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