a. Receive a presentation regarding the County Climate Action Plan and Municipal Climate Action Plan and provide direction to staff in regard to the development of these plans.
It is recommended that the members of the Board of Supervisors...
a. Receive a presentation regarding the County Climate Action Plan and Municipal Climate Action Plan and provide direction to staff in regard to the development of these plans.
The creation of a Community Climate Action and Adaptation Plan and the update to the Municipal Climate Action Plan were launched in May of 2021. Since the launch, staff has hosted 15 stakeholder engagement meetings including a Community Workshop, an Agriculture Focus Group, a Business Focus Group, several Sector working group meetings and Equity Panel meetings. Technical consultants have conducted an emissions inventory and a sequestration analysis to understand emissions sources and sinks within the County. Currently, several sector specific working group meetings are being held to discuss the positives, considerations, and opportunities of different strategies so that a select list of strategies can be quantified for their expected emissions reductions and selected for inclusion in the final plan. Staff expects to release a draft of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan in the late fall of 2022.
The County of Monterey is working to develop a Community Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CCAAP) to reduce emissions in the unincorporated area by 40% by 2030 as required by the County General Plan. By working with the community, the CCAAP will lay out strategies that will achieve the emissions reductions goals, and that fit the needs of the local community. If properly developed, a CCAAP can achieve objectives that go far beyond reducing emissions, to things like green jobs and workforce development, public health and safety, infrastructure development and protection, and improved prospec...
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