Introduce, waive first reading, and set March 14, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider adoption of an ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 11.06 of the Monterey County Code to update the design of the official Emblem of the County of Monterey, and provide for the enforcement of prohibitions on misuse of the Emblem through the County Administrative Office or its designee
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Introduce, waive first reading, and set March 14, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time to consider adoption of an ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 11.06 of the Monterey County Code to update the design of the official Emblem of the County of Monterey, and provide for the enforcement of prohibitions on misuse of the Emblem through the County Administrative Office or its designee
Chapter 11.06 of the Monterey County Code designates the design of the official County Emblem, defines its permissible uses, and makes misuse of the Emblem a misdemeanor. The Emblem is used for official County business such as identifying County property or the official stationery of the County and its officials. The County Administrative Office ("CAO") recommends repealing and replacing Chapter 11.06 to update the Emblem and provide new procedures for protecting the County's intellectual property.
The CAO recommends updating the County Emblem to implement the County's branding strategy under the leadership of the County Communications Director. The CAO recommends repealing and replacing Chapter 11.06 to allow for the adoption of an updated Emblem.
The CAO's recommendation encompasses two substantive changes to the current Chapter 11.06. First, it recommends adopting new language allowing for authorized commercial uses of the County Emblem. If approved, the CAO intends to propose a new Board Policy addressing the County's branding strategy. Second, the CAO recommends adopting new la...
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