Consider Early Assessment of a proposed General Plan Amendment to modify Carmel Valley Master Plan Figure LU3 and Section District Map 21-16 to change the land use designation and zoning district of a portion of Parcel 1 (APN: 157-171-032-000) from Residential-Low Density 5-1 acres per unit [LDR/5-1] to Resource Conservation [RC] and Low Density Residential, Building Site, Visual Sensitivity, Residential Allocation Zoning, 20 foot height limit [LDR/B-6-VS-RAZ(20’)] to Open Space, Design Control, Site Plan Review, Residential Zoning Allocation [O-D-S-RAZ], a portion of Parcel 2 (APN: 157-171-033-000) from LDR/5-1 to RC and LDR/B-6-D-RAZ to O-D-S-RAZ, and a portion of Parcel 3 (APN: 157-171-064-000) from RC to LDR/5-1 and O-D-S-RAZ to LDR/B-6-D-RAZ. The project also consists of a lot line adjustment between three lots of record: Parcel 1 (10 acres); Parcel 2 (2.5 acres), and Parcel 3 (181.42 acres), resulting in three parcels containing 9.32 acres (Adjusted Parcel 1), 2.72 acres (Adjusted Parcel 2), 181.88 acres (Adjusted Parcel 3), construction of a 2,929 square foot garage, development on slopes in excess of 25%, and the removal of five protected trees.
Project Location: 5477 and 5479 Covey Court, Carmel
Proposed CEQA action: Find early assessment of the project Statutorily Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15262.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission assess whether the proposed General Plan Amendment to redesignate and rezone portions of Lots 1, 2, and 3 is consistent with state law and has the potential to meet the evaluation criteria set forth in Title 21 section 21.91.050 and provide feedback to staff.
Property Owner: Risdel Inc. and Quail Meadows Homeowners Association
APN’s: 157-171-032-000, 157-171-033-000, and 157-171-064-000
Parcel Size: 10, 2.50 and 181.42 acres
Zoning: Lot 1: LDR/B-6-VS-RAZ(20’), Lot 2: LDR/B-6/D-S-RAZ”, Lo...
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