Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve a Lot Line Adjustment between three (3) legal lots of record under Farmland Security Zone Contract No. 12-010, established by County Resolution No. 11-379, with no net decrease in acreage under Williamson Act Contract; and
b. Authorize the Chair to execute new or amended Farmland Security Zone Contract in order to rescind a portion of the existing Contract as it applies to the reconfigured lots only and simultaneously execute a new or amended Contract or Contracts for the reconfigured lots between the County and Sea Mist Farms, LLC, reflecting the new legal descriptions, current ownership interests and to incorporate any legislative changes to State Williamson Act provisions and current County Williamson Act Program Policies and Procedures; and
c. Direct the Clerk of the Board to record the new or amended Contract or Contracts.
(Lot Line Adjustment - PLN110031/Sea Mist Farms, LLC, River Road, Chualar, Toro & Central Salinas Valley Area Plans)
Planning File Number: PLN110031
Owner: Sea Mist Farms, LLC
Project Location: River Road, Chualar
APNs: 167-081-006-000, 137-151-006-000 & 137-151-007-000
Agent: Michael Cling
Plan Area: Toro & Central Salinas Valley Area Plans
Flagged and Staked: No
CEQA Action: Categorically Exempt - 15305(a)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve a Lot Line Adjustment between three (3) legal lots of record under Farmland Security Zone Contract No. 12-010, established by County Resolution No. 11-379, with no net decrease in acreage under Williamson Act Contract; and
b. Authorize the Chair to execute new or amended Farmland Security Zone Contract in order to rescind a portion of the existing Contract as it applies to the reconfigured lots only and simultaneously execute a new or amended Contract or Contracts for the reconfigured lots between the County and Sea Mist Farms, LLC, reflecting the new legal descriptions, current owner...
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