Adopt a resolution to:
a. Amend the budget for Housing and Community Development (HCD) - Fund 001, Appropriation Unit HCD002, Unit 8543 to add the following four positions: two Code Compliance Inspector II, one Permit Technician III, and one Associate Planner;
b. Authorize Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY2024-25 HCD Adopted Budget; and
c. Direct Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to:
a. Amend the Housing and Community Development (HCD) - Fund 001, Appropriation Unit HCD002, Unit 8543 to add the following four positions: two Code Compliance Inspector II, one Permit Technician III, and one Associate Planner;
b. Authorize Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY2024-25 HCD Adopted Budget; and
c. Direct Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.
The Board of Supervisors (Board) on August 27 and September 10, 2024, passed and adopted regulations for vacation rentals in the inland area of unincorporated Monterey County and directed staff to submit the regulations for vacation rentals to the California Coastal Commission for consideration of certification. The staff report and attachments for the vacation rental ordinances Board hearing on August 27, 2024 are provided as a clickable link in Attachment E. As detailed in the staff report and detailed discussion presented to the Board on August 27th, staff proposed adding four new positions to support the implementation of the vacation rental ordinances. These four positions would ensure that there would be no impact on the existing levels of service currently provided by HCD.
The four positions requested include:
1. One Associate Planner;
2. Two Code Compliance Inspector II; and
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