Receive a report on the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) fund balance.
It is recommended that the Budget Committee receive a report on the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) fund balance.
At the October 2019 Budget Committee (BC) meeting, the County of Monterey Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau (Bureau) presented an overview of Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), and the status of MHSA reserves. During the presentation, staff indicated that new developments affecting the MHSA fund balance would be presented to the Budget Committee, which occurred during the January 2020 meeting. At this meeting, the Budget Committee requested quarterly reports on the MHSA fund balance. At the June 30, 2021, meeting, the Committee moved to a semiannual report. This report serves as the most recent update on the fund balance, additional information regarding the MHSA, and potential impacts on the fund balance.
In addition to the quarterly/semi-annual reports to BC, on March 1, 2022, the Board of Supervisors (BOS) submitted Referral No. 2022.11 requesting a comprehensive presentation from the Bureau on the current uses of MHSA funds, an expenditure plan to utilize reserve funds and annual updates to the BOS on expenditures and effectiveness of MHSA funded services and strategies. The comprehensive presentation was first brought to the BC at its April 25, 2022, meeting and subsequently to the BOS at its June 21, 2022, meeting with annual updates to be presented in the future, as requested by the BOS. While Referral No. 2022.11 has been closed, the Bureau continued to provide updates to the BOS on MHSA and Proposition 1 with the most recent update provided at the November 12, 2024, meeting.
FY 2023-24 In Review
The FY 2023-24 beginning MHSA fund balance was $19,251,809, with budgeted revenues of $39,894,716 and matching expenditures of $39,894,716. By the end of FY 2023-24, actual revenues totaled $...
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