File #: WRAG 25-019    Name: Amend No.1 Chapin -Blanco Drain Culvert - BoD
Type: WR General Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/10/2025 In control: Water Resources Agency Board of Directors
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Services with Don Chapin Company for a dollar amount increase of $5,000, not to exceed $131,000 for the repair of a damaged section of culvert at the Blanco drainage ditch. (Staff: Jason Demers)
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Amendment No. 1 Don Chapin (Blanco Culvert $126k), 3. Board Order
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Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Services with Don Chapin Company for a dollar amount increase of $5,000, not to exceed $131,000 for the repair of a damaged section of culvert at the Blanco drainage ditch. (Staff: Jason Demers)
It is recommended that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors:

Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Services with Don Chapin Company for a dollar amount increase of $5,000, not to exceed $131,000 for the repair of a damaged section of culvert at the Blanco drainage ditch.

The Monterey County Water Resources Agency (Agency) owns and maintains a culvert and flap gate located in the Blanco Drain that provides drainage from the surrounding agriculture fields located in Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2. This drainage empties into the Salinas River via the culvert and flap gate. During the winter storms of 2023 a section of pipe separated at the joint due to corrosion and left an approximate one foot opening that could allow high river flows to move upstream into the drainage ditch.

In October 2024 the Board of Directors approved an agreement with Don Chapin Company for an amount not to exceed $126,000 for the repair of a damaged section of culvert at the Blanco drainage ditch. The original estimate included replacement of the most severely damaged portion of the culvert (approximately 20 feet) and installation of a concrete canvas lining to reinforce the remaining culvert (approximately 40 feet). Once excavation began and a more thorough inspection could be performed, it was determined that the concrete canvas liner would not be an effective repair given the deteriorated condition of the existing culvert. It was decided that replacement of the entire culvert would be required.

The final project cost of $130,080.52, exceeded the agreement amount by $4,080.52. The Agency is seeking Amendment 1 to the agreement with Don Chapin Company to pay ...

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