Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute renewal and amendment No. 5 to the agreement (A-14560) with Everbridge, Inc. for critical event management software services, extending the agreement an additional one (1) year period (January 30, 2025 through January 29, 2026) for a revised full agreement term of January 30, 2018 through January 29, 2026 and adding $40,760 for a revised total Agreement amount of $290,605.
It is recommended the Board of Supervisors:
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute renewal and amendment No. 5 to the agreement (A-14560) with Everbridge, Inc. for critical event management software services, extending the agreement an additional one (1) year period (January 30, 2025 through January 29, 2026) for a revised full agreement term of January 30, 2018 through January 29, 2026 and adding $40,760 for a revised total Agreement amount of $290,605.
Everbridge is a critical event management software system that has been utilized by Natividad Medical Center since January 2018. It allows Natividad Medical Center the ability to perform mass callings to all hospital staff and is utilized when there are notifications that need to get out to a large number of employees at once; this includes emergency situations (floods, earthquakes and mass casualties) and can be used if there are mass casualty/triage events. This system is also utilized to contact specific groups of people when needed during accreditation surveys (The Joint Commission, U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, etc.) as an alternate means of communicating updates.
Everbridge is a web-based system that stores telephone numbers for all Natividad Medical Center staff members within the hospital in a single system. It is readily accessible from anywhere that has access to the internet. Within the system, Natividad...
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