a. Approve the Parcel Map for the Villanueva subdivision to divide a 160 acre parcel into four 40 acre parcels;
b. Accept the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed for the following areas: slopes that exceed 25 percent; areas that could result in future ridgeline development at Lot 4; and areas with historical and archaeological resources; and the Subdivision Improvement Agreement;
c. Authorize the Chair to execute the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed for the following areas: slopes that exceed 25 percent; areas that could result in future ridgeline development at Lot 4; and areas with historical and archaeological resources; and the Subdivision Improvement Agreement; and
d. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Parcel Map, the Subdivision Improvement Agreement, the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed; the Deed Restriction for Historical Resources; the Deed Restriction for biological and archaeological resources; the Floodplain Notice; and the Water Conservation and Landscape Notice to the County Recorder for recording, subject to the collection of the applicable recording fees.
(Parcel Map PLN060043/Saul Victor and Maria de Jesus Villanueva, 50403 Martinez Road, Lockwood, South County Area Plan)
Planning File Number: PLN060043
Owner: Saul Victor and Maria Villanueva
Project Location: 50403 Martinez Road, Lockwood
APN: 423-041-018-000
Agent: Allen Searson, HD Peters Engineering
Plan Area: South County Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: No
CEQA Action: Statutorily Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15268 (b) (3)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve the Parcel Map for the Villanueva subdivision to divide a 160 acre parcel into four 40 acre parcels;
b. Accept the Conservation and Scenic Easement Deed for the following areas: slopes that exceed 25 percent; areas that could result in future ridgeline development at Lot 4; and areas with histo...
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