a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute a Standard Agreement with David Gambetta dba Dave's Repair Service to provide on-call inspections and compliance repairs and services for Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks for county-owned fueling stations as described in Exhibit A: Scope of Services/Payment Provisions retroactive to July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, for a total not to exceed amount of $147,000; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute up to three (3) Amendments to the Agreement where the Amendments do not significantly change the scope of work or cause an increase in the total aggregate not to exceed amount in the Agreement of more than ten percent (10%) (i.e. the increase may not exceed $14,700 total over the life of the Agreement).
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute a Standard Agreement with David Gambetta dba Dave's Repair Service to provide on-call inspections and compliance repairs and services for Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks for county-owned fueling stations as described in Exhibit A: Scope of Services/Payment Provisions retroactive to July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, for a total not to exceed amount of $147,000; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute up to three (3) Amendments to the Agreement where the Amendments do not significantly change the scope of work or cause an increase in the total aggregate not to exceed amount in the Agreement of more than ten percent (10%) (i.e. the increase may not exceed $14,700 total over the life of the Agreement).
This is an Agreement using the County's standard terms between County of Monterey and David Gambetta dba Dave's Repair Se...
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