a. Approve an Amendment to the Real Property Purchase Agreement, No. A-11403, and a License Agreement with Jonathan C. Wooster and Margaret Jane Wooster, Trustees of the 1993 Wooster Revocable Trust U/D/T dated 12/1/93 as to the fee estate, in the amount of $1,000 for the License Agreement and $24,000 to remove and relocate the existing steel fence for the construction of the Lonoak Road Bridge at Lewis Creek, County Bridge No. 402, State Bridge No. 44C-0158, Federal Aid Project No. BRLOZB-5944(035), Project No. 09-220565 east of King City; and
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the Amendment to Real Property Purchase Agreement, No. A-11403, and License Agreement (Jonathan C. Wooster APN No. 419-141-015 in Monterey County) including the Certificate of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation on behalf of the County.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve an Amendment to the Real Property Purchase Agreement, No. A-11403, and a License Agreement with Jonathan C. Wooster and Margaret Jane Wooster, Trustees of the 1993 Wooster Revocable Trust U/D/T dated 12/1/93 as to the fee estate, in the amount of $1,000 for the License Agreement and $24,000 to remove and relocate the existing steel fence for the construction of the Lonoak Road Bridge at Lewis Creek, County Bridge No. 402, State Bridge No. 44C-0158, Federal Aid Project No. BRLOZB-5944(035), Project No. 09-220565 east of King City; and
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the Amendment to Real Property Purchase Agreement, No. A-11403, and License Agreement (Jonathan C. Wooster APN No. 419-141-015 in Monterey County) including the Certificate of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation on behalf of the County.
Approval of the Amendment to the Real Property Purchase Agreement, No. A-11403, (Amendment) with Jonathan C. Wooster and Margaret Jane Wooster will provide for the removal and the relocation of the existing welded ste...
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