a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign a one (1) year sole source contract with Jesse Aguirre, Doing Business as J.K. Mortuary Services in the amount of $125,000;
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign up to two (2) amendments to the agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work, and the amendments in total do not exceed 10% ($12,500) for a total cumulative not to exceed agreement amount of $137,500.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign a one (1) year sole source contract with Jesse Aguirre, Doing Business as J.K. Mortuary Services in the amount of $125,000;
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign up to two (2) amendments to the agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work, and the amendments in total do not exceed 10% ($12,500) for a total cumulative not to exceed agreement amount of $137,500.
The Sheriff/Coroner's Office requests approval of a sole source agreement for one year for provision of on-call pick-up, transport and delivery of deceased remains requiring autopsy to the Coroner's morgue.
In Monterey County, the Sheriff position is a combined Sheriff/Coroner position and the Sheriff therefore, is responsible for Coroner job function. The Coroner' Office is charged with investigation and autopsy of any reportable or unexplainable deaths and must determine the cause and manner of the death.
For many years, transportation of deceased remains was provided by Drake Transportation, a sole proprietor owned company. Mr. Drake recently passed, leaving his assets intestate, and the Coroner's Office without on call pickup service of deceased remains. The Office has reviewed ...
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