Adopt the Monterey County Fiscal Year 18-20 Mental Health Services Act 3-Year Program and Expenditure Plan.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Adopt the Monterey County Fiscal Year 18-20 Mental Health Services Act 3-Year Program and Expenditure Plan.
The Mental Health Services Act ("MHSA"), also known as Proposition 63, requires each county in California to develop a 3-Year Program and Expenditure Plan ("MHSA 3-Year Plan".) The MHSA 3-Year Plan consists of a progress report on Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 activities, as well as an expenditure plan and descriptions of the services to be funded by the MHSA for FY 2017-18 through FY 2019-20. Counties are also required to prepare Annual Updates during the second and third years of the 3-Year Plan period. Local stakeholder input and other data are used in the development of these draft MHSA 3-Year Plan and Annual Update documents. After a public review and comment process, each document is finalized for adoption by the Board of Supervisors before being forwarded to the State Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission and the Department of Health Care Services.
The Health Department, Behavioral Health Bureau ("Behavioral Health") began working with the Mental Health Commission ("the Commission") in June 2016 to review MHSA-funded programs. Over the course of ten months, an ad hoc committee of the Commission provided recommendations on the contents of the 3-Year Plan, such as the data indicating how each program is addressing disparities, reaching the underserved and providing equitable services. The ad hoc committee also reviewed community feedback gathered during thirteen community focus groups as well as data collected by a survey of 214 Spanish-speaking individuals in 10 areas of Monterey County with high numbers of underserved Latino residents.
The MHSA 3-Year Plan aligns with Behavioral Health's Adopted Budget for FY 2017...
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