File #: PC 25-022    Name: REFERRAL 22.7 - Pajaro River Levee Improvements
Type: Planning Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/3/2025 In control: Monterey County Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/12/2025 Final action:
Title: REFERRAL 22.7 - PAJARO RIVER LEVEE IMPROVEMENTS AND RECOVERY EFFORTS a. Consider receiving an update from the Pajaro River Flood Management Agency regarding repair and improvements to the Pajaro River Levee; b. Consider receiving an update from staff regarding the Pajaro Long-Term Recovery Planning. c. Provide direction to staff. Project Location: North County Inland Area (Pajaro Community) Proposed CEQA action: Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 15262 of the CEQA.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report
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a. Consider receiving an update from the Pajaro River Flood Management Agency regarding repair and improvements to the Pajaro River Levee;
b. Consider receiving an update from staff regarding the Pajaro Long-Term Recovery Planning.
c. Provide direction to staff.
Project Location: North County Inland Area (Pajaro Community)
Proposed CEQA action: Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 15262 of the CEQA.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission:
a. Receive a status update from the Pajaro River Flood Management Agency regarding repair and improvements to the Pajaro River Levee;
b. Receive a status update from staff regarding the Pajaro Long-Term Recovery Planning.
c. Provide direction to staff.

This report provides updates regarding Planning Commission Referrals No. 22.7 (Pajaro River Levee Improvements and Recovery efforts) since the previous quarterly report provided to the Planning Commission on December 11, 2024 (PC File # 24-120).

Pajaro River Levee Repairs and Improvements
Staff received the following updated information from the Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency (PRFMA) regarding Pajaro River Levee repair and improvements.

Reach 6:
PRFMA is in ownership of the three full fee take of the residential and business parcel acquisitions necessary for the Project within Reach 6. Two of the three parcels have been demolished and readied for construction of the new levee and floodwall system: 2215 East Lake Avenue and 290 Green Valley Road, Watsonville. PRFMA Staff anticipates that 2233 East Lake Avenue will be demolished in approximately 3 weeks. In order for the USACE to perform construction in other agricultural areas in Reach 6, additional soil testing for remnant and legacy pesticides, as well as for hazardous waste, will be performed to certify that PRFMA is providing the necessary Project LERRDs (Lands, Easements, Rights-of-...

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