File #: PC 25-020    Name: Pln240234 - Donvan
Type: Planning Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/3/2025 In control: Monterey County Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/12/2025 Final action:
Title: PLN240234 - DONOVAN PAUL MARTIN & ELISA M E TRS Public hearing to consider construction of a 3,111 square foot single-family dwelling with an attached 649 square foot garage, second story 500 square foot Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit, 477 square feet of covered porches and patios, and associated site improvements including the removal of 33 protected trees and 4 dead or hazardous trees. Project Location: 2819 Congress Road, Pebble Beach, Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15303, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Exhibit A - Project Data Sheet, 3. Exhibit B - Draft Resolution, 4. Exhibit C - Arborist Reports, 5. Exhibit D - LUAC Minutes, 6. Exhibit E - Vicinity Map
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Public hearing to consider construction of a 3,111 square foot single-family dwelling with an attached 649 square foot garage, second story 500 square foot Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit, 477 square feet of covered porches and patios, and associated site improvements including the removal of 33 protected trees and 4 dead or hazardous trees.
Project Location: 2819 Congress Road, Pebble Beach, Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15303, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution to:
a. Find that the project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2; and
b. Approve a Combined Development Permit consisting of : 1) Use Permit to allow the removal of 33 protected trees and three hazardous trees; and 2) Design Approval to allow the construction of a 3,111 square foot single-family dwelling with an attached 649 square foot garage, second story 500 square foot Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit, 477 square feet of covered porches and patios, and associated site improvements.

The attached draft resolution includes findings and evidence for consideration (Exhibit B). Staff recommends approval/denial subject to 13 conditions of approval.

Agent: Bradley Green
Property Owner: Paul Martin & Elisa M. Donovan Trust
APN: 007-103-012-000
Parcel Size: 0.657 acres or 28, 218 square feet
Zoning: Medium Density Residential with Building Site 6, Design Control, and Recreational Equipment Storage overlays or “MDR/B-6-D-RES”
Plan Area: Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: Yes
Project Planner: McKenna Bowling, Assistant Planner, x5298
[, (831) 755-5298...

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