Adopt the Monterey County Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2014-15 through FY 2016-17 Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Adopt the Monterey County Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2014-15 through FY 2016-17 Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan.
The Mental Health Services Act ("MHSA"), also known as Proposition 63, requires each county in California to develop a Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan ("MHSA Plan") The MHSA Plan consists of an implementation progress report on the previous year's activities, as well as an expenditure plan and descriptions of the services to be funded by the MHSA. In the second and third year of the MHSA Plan period, counties are also required to prepare annual updates to the adopted MHSA Plan. Local stakeholders participate in the development of the MHSA Plan and annual updates, which are ultimately adopted by the Board of Supervisors before being forwarded to the State Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission and the Department of Health Care Services
The Health Department, Behavioral Health Bureau ("Behavioral Health") engaged in a strategic planning effort beginning in January 2013. This review of the county's entire behavioral health system was unprecedented and involved over 400 individuals, including consumers, family members, service providers, partner agencies, staff and other community stakeholders. The Behavioral Health Strategic Plan was approved by the Monterey County Mental Health Commission ("Commission") in April 2014.
The MHSA Plan reflects the priority needs and system improvements identified in the Behavioral Health Strategic Plan. The MHSA Plan aligns with Behavioral Health's Adopted Budgets for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. Efforts will soon be underway to gather community input for priorities to include in the FY 2016-17 Annual Update. These prio...
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