a. Approve an increase in appropriations in the amount of $20,000 in the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget for the Department of Social Services-Community Programs Unit 001-5010-SOC004-8258 (4/5ths vote required);
b. Approve a decrease in appropriations in the amount of $20,000 in the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget for the Department of Social Services-General Assistance Unit 001-5010-SOC002-8253 (4/5ths vote required); and
c. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations by $20,000 in the Department of Social Services-Community Programs Unit 001-5010-SOC004-8258, financed by a decrease in appropriations in the Department of Social Services-General Assistance Unit 001-5010-SOC002-8253 (4/5ths vote required).
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve an increase in appropriations in the amount of $20,000 in the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget for the Department of Social Services-Community Programs Unit 001-5010-SOC004-8258 (4/5ths vote required);
b. Approve a decrease in appropriations in the amount of $20,000 in the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget for the Department of Social Services-General Assistance Unit 001-5010-SOC002-8253 (4/5ths vote required); and
c. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations by $20,000 in the Department of Social Services-Community Programs Unit 001-5010-SOC004-8258, financed by a decrease in appropriations in the Department of Social Services-General Assistance Unit 001-5010-SOC002-8253 (4/5ths vote required).
The Department had to act on several priority maintenance issues for both the Warming Shelter and the Women's Domestic Shelter related to mold, safety, sanitation, and plumbing issues which is higher than was anticipated for this budget year.
The Department is recommending a transfer of appropriations from the General Assistance...
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