a. Award a contract to Avila Brother's, Inc., dba Avila Construction Company; the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, for the Monterey County Government Center East/West Wing Renovation, Project No. 8864, Bid Package No.10599, in the total amount of $22,706,220;
b. Approve the Performance and Payment Bonds executed and provided by Avila Brother's, Inc., dba Avila Construction Company, and Great American Insurance Company;
c. Authorize a contingency not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the contract amount, to provide funding for approved contract change orders;
d. Authorize the Interim RMA Deputy Director of Public Works and Facilities, to execute the contract and, subject to the terms of the Revised Contract Change Order Procedure for Construction Contracts Administered by the Public Works Department approved by the Board on August 28, 2001, and after review by the Assistant County Administrative Officer, approve contract change orders where each change order does not exceed $25,000, plus five percent (5%) of the amount of the original contract cost in excess of $250,000; and
e. Authorize the Interim RMA Deputy Director of Public Works and Facilities to execute a Certificate of Completion and record a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder when the Interim Director determines the contract is complete in all respects in accordance with the Plans and Special Provisions for the construction for the Monterey County Government Center East/West Wing Renovation, Project No. 8864, Bid Package No.10599, performed by Avila Brother's, Inc., dba Avila Construction Company.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Award a contract to Avila Brother's, Inc., dba Avila Construction Company; the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, for the Monterey County Government Center East/West Wing Renovation, Project No. 8864, Bid Package No.10599, in the total amount of $22,706,220;
b. Approve the Performance and Payment Bond...
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