a. Approve and Authorize the County's Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute an Agreement including non-standard provisions on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) with Conduent Enterprise Solutions, LLC (Conduent) for software maintenance of ACS-GRM Exigent, aiIndex/aiRedaction, IBM Content Manager, Kofax, Electronic Recording Delivery System (ERDS), and G2G Electronic Recording, in an amount not to exceed $93,043.00, retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; and
b. Approve a policy allowing the use of the same proposed non-standard provisions, as determined by the County's Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be appropriate, in future Conduent/County Clerk-Recorder Agreements of $100,000 or less, specific to the related unique and necessary services provided by this vendor, utilizing existing Purchasing Agent execution authority. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and Authorize the County's Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute an Agreement including non-standard provisions on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) with Conduent Enterprise Solutions, LLC (Conduent) for software maintenance of ACS-GRM Exigent, aiIndex/aiRedaction, IBM Content Manager, Kofax, Electronic Recording Delivery System (ERDS), and G2G Electronic Recording, in an amount not to exceed $93,043.00, retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; and
b. Approve a policy allowing the use of the same proposed non-standard provisions, as determined by the County's Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be appropriate, in future Conduent/County Clerk-Recorder Agreements of $100,000 or less, specific to the related unique and necessary services provided by this vendor, utilizing existing Purchasing Agent execution authority.
On May 23, 2017, the Board authorized the County, on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (C...
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