a. Authorize the Chief Information Officer or his designee to execute a non-standard retroactive Agreement with Aviat U.S., Incorporated in the amount of $106,171 for the provision of microwave equipment off-site hardware repair, equipment replacement, maintenance, and remote technical support from March 18, 2023, through March 17, 2026; and
b. Accept non-standard language as recommended by the Chief Information Officer; and
c. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to sign up to three (3) future renewals or amendments to this Agreement, extending each term by one (1) year each, where the additional costs of each Amendment does not exceed 10% ($10,671) of the original contract amount of $106,171, bringing the total maximum cumulative cost increase to $31,851 and potential overall Agreement aggregate Not to Exceed amount to $138,022 even if no additional Agreements are entered into.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Authorize the Chief Information Officer or his designee to execute a non-standard retroactive Agreement with Aviat U.S., Incorporated in the amount of $106,171 for the provision of microwave equipment off-site hardware repair, equipment replacement, maintenance, and remote technical support from March 18, 2023, through March 17, 2026; and
b. Accept non-standard language as recommended by the Chief Information Officer; and
c. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to sign up to three (3) future renewals or amendments to this Agreement, extending each term by one (1) year each, where the additional costs of each Amendment does not exceed 10% ($10,671) of the original contract amount of $106,171, bringing the total maximum cumulative cost increase to $31,851 and potential overall Agreement aggregate Not to Exceed amount to $138,022 even if no additional Agreements are entered into.
The County of Monterey, Information Technology Department (ITD) manages a diverse microwave network...
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