Public hearing to consider construction of a new raised foundation under an existing legal non-conforming historic cabin within 100 feet of environmentally sensitive habitat and on slopes greater than 30 percent.
Proposed Location: 36963 Palo Colorado Road, Big Sur
Proposed CEQA Action: This continuance is not a commitment to a project and therefore is not subject to a CEQA determination.
Owner: David and Linda Marshall
APN: 418-031-012-000
Agent: Rob Carver
Zoning: RDR/40-D (CZ)
Plan Area: Big Sur Coast
Flagged and Staked: N/A
It is recommended the Planning Commission continue the public hearing on the Marshall Cabin application to a date uncertain.
An application for an emergency permit was submitted by the applicant because the existing redwood log foundation of a historic cabin, straddling Palo Colorado creek, is failing. Staff coordinated with Coastal Commission staff on the emergency permit and it was determined that the proposed foundation repairs are not the minimum required to stabilize the structure and address the immediate emergency situation. The applicant has elected to pursue the permanent foundation repair through a Coastal Development Permit, instead of installing temporary shoring to address the emergency.
Given that the applicant is seeking a Coastal Development Permit for the permanent foundation improvements rather than the temporary measures to stabilize the situation, staff needs additional time to fully vet the permit. The project is located on top of a stream bed, within environmentally sensitive habitat, and includes an historic resource.
The following agencies have reviewed or will review the project prior to hearing:
Environmental Health Bureau
RMA-Public Works
RMA-Environmental Services
CalFire Fire Protection Area
Funding for staff time associated with this project is included in the FY18-19 Adopted Bu...
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