a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or their designee to sign Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. A-15534 with Orbis Partners, LLC, to provide annual software licenses, hosting, and support fees, additional e-training accounts, increase the Agreement’s amount by $98,632 for a revised total agreement amount of $213,578 and extend the term of the Agreement for two years, ten months to align with the term of the software licensing to November 23, 2027, for a revised full agreement term of September 20, 2021 through November 23, 2027;and
b. Authorize the Contracts/ Purchasing Officer or their designee to sign future amendments to the Agreement, where any increased costs do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract amount ($6,922) for a not to exceed maximum amount of $220,500 and do not significantly change the scope of work.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or their designee to sign Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. A-15534 with Orbis Partners, LLC, to provide annual software licenses, hosting, and support fees, additional e-training accounts, increase the Agreement’s amount by $98,632 for a revised total agreement amount of $213,578 and extend the term of the Agreement for two years, ten months to align with the term of the software licensing to November 23, 2027, for a revised full agreement term of September 20, 2021 through November 23, 2027; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/ Purchasing Officer or their designee to sign future amendments to the Agreement, where any increased costs do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract amount ($6,922) for a not to exceed maximum amount of $220,500 and do not significantly change the scope of work.
The Probation Department recommends the approval of Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. A-15534 with Orbis Partners, LLC, in the amount of $98,632 for a revised total agreem...
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