Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Board of Directors:
Appoint One (1) Primary Director to serve a two-year term on the Permanent Board of Directors of the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Salinas Valley Cities by Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield and King City with a term ending June 30, 2028
Steve Adams appointed July 24, 2020; King City Term ends June 30, 2025
Appoint One (1) Alternate Director to serve a two-year term on the Permanent Board of Directors of the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Salinas Valley Cities by Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield and King City with a term ending June 30, 2028
Alternate Carmen Gil appointed June 2023; Gonzales Term ends June 30, 2025