Public hearing to make a recommendation to the department of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks regarding proposed alterations to the historic Porter Vallejo Mansion, including
Project Location: 29 Bishop Street, Royal Oaks (Assessor’s Parcel Number 117-323-013-000)
Staff recommends that the County of Monterey Historic Resources Review Board (HRRB) adopt a resolution recommending that:
1) The alterations to a historic resources (the Porter Vallejo Mansion), including a new stairway egress with new fire exits on the second and third floors; new outdoor space with new shade structures and picnic tables; and new sustainable landscaping will neither adversely affect the significant architectural features of the designated resource nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the designated resource and its site;
2) The project is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, under the treatment approach of rehabilitation; and
3) The project qualifies for a Class 31 categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15331, and that none of the exceptions from Section 15300.2 apply.
The Porter Vallejo mansion is a historic site being used as the Pajaro Library. The mansion is significant for its association with John Porter, who was a major force in the development of the Pajaro Valley, and for its remodeled design by Architect William Weeks, which transformed the home into a Queen Anne style while maintaining its original Gothic Revival features. A detached water tower is also on the site and is a contributing structure to the site’s significance.
County Public Works Facilities, and Parks (public works) are proposing rehabilitation and site improvements. This phase of improvements includes a redesign of the patio area southeast of the mansion, with new be...
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