Adopt a resolution to revise and approve amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code for the Monterey County Water Resources Agency.
Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors, as the code reviewing body under the Political Reform Act, approve amendments to, and revise, Monterey County Water Resources Agency’s (“Agency”) Conflict of Interest Code.
Following a review of its Conflict of Interest Code as required by Government Code section 87306.5, the Agency amended its Conflict of Interest Code to revise several designated position titles. A copy of its amended Conflict of Interest Code is appended hereto as Attachment 2 and 3.
Amendments to local agency Conflict of Interest Codes are authorized by section 87306 of the Government Code whenever changes are required by changed circumstances, by creation or deletion of designated positions, or by changes in the duties of designated positions.
Under Government Code sections 82011 and 87303, the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors is the code reviewing body. It may approve the Code as submitted; revise the proposed code and approve it as revised; or return the proposed Code to the agency for revision and resubmission.
The Office of the County Counsel recommends that the Board revise the proposed Conflict of Interest Code of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency to add the following language:
“For purposes of this Conflict of Interest Code, the jurisdiction of the Agency is entirely within the County of Monterey.”
The statement of geographical jurisdiction of the Agency establishes that the Board is the appropriate code reviewing body.
The Conflict of Interest Code also updates the number of already listed designated positions and adds a designated position given staffing changes.
Staff recommends that the Board adopt and approve the Agency’s amended Conflict of Interest Code as revised.
The M...
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