Adopt the Monterey County Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Update.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Adopt the Monterey County Mental Health Services Act Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Update.
The Mental Health Services Act ("MHSA"), formerly known as Proposition 63, requires each county to develop a Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan ("MHSA Plan"). The current FY21-23 MHSA Plan for Monterey County was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 30, 2020. In the second and third years of each MHSA Plan period, counties are required to prepare Annual Updates to their adopted MHSA Plan. The purpose of the Annual Update is to update budget information, and if needed, make changes to programs. Local stakeholder input and other data are used in the development of each draft MHSA Plan and Annual Update documents. After a public review and comment process, which culminates with a Public Hearing conducted by the Behavioral Health Commission, the document is finalized for adoption by the Board of Supervisors before being forwarded to the State Department of Health Care Services and Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission.
The MHSA FY 2021-22 Annual Update ("Annual Update") has been informed by local stakeholder input gathered during the community program planning process. It reflects the identified priority needs and system improvements to serve residents with mental health challenges and their families, with an intentional focus on increased access for unserved and underserved cultural populations in Monterey County. The Annual Update also includes a Community Needs Assessment Report and FY 2019-20 data on the following MHSA components: Community Services & Supports, Prevention & Early Intervention, Innovation and Workforce Education & Training. The Annual Update includes the necessary fiscal adjustments to align the revenue and expenditure plan with th...
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