a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts and Purchasing Officer or her designee to execute Amendment #4 to Agreement A-15709 with Kurt Ashley dba Secure Solutions, provides background investigations and polygraph services, by adding $780,000 for a not to exceed total amount of $1,098,900 and extending the agreement two (2) years with a new term ending date of June 30, 2027.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and Authorize the Contracts and Purchasing Officer or her designee to execute Amendment #4 to Agreement A-15709 with Kurt Ashley dba Secure Solutions, provides background investigations and polygraph services, by adding $780,000 for a not to exceed total amount of $1,098,900 and extending the agreement two (2) years with a new term ending date of June 30, 2027
The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) request approval of this Amendment.
MCSO is required to perform background clearances on all its personnel. Peace officer candidates have minimum selection standards as detailed in Government Code Sections 1029-1031.2. Additional restrictions are placed on peace officers by Penal Code 29805.
The MCSO must perform a background check on all non-sworn employees (professional and jail support staffs) which adds significant time delays to filling positions, particularly those positions within the accounting area. The accounting area traditionally has a much smaller pool of applicants and they are in demand, countywide.
The background check requires the review of personal history statements, past employment, driving records, credit history, military service, and previous tenancy history and a polygraph. Perspective employees can become ineligible for employment at the MCSO during any phase of the background check.
Extending the agreement two (2) years locks in the current background rate.
The Office of County Counsel has reviewed and adv...
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