Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Amend the FY 2024-25 Public Works, Facilities and Parks Adopted Budget (Fund 002, Dept. 3200, Unit 8558) to reclassify one (1) Finance Manager I incumbent to one (1) Finance Manager II as indicated in Attachment A, effective February 8, 2025;
b. Direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage Human Resources Management (HRM) system.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors consider adopting a Resolution to:
a. Amend the FY 2024-25 Public Works, Facilities and Parks Adopted Budget (Fund 002, Dept. 3200, Unit 8558) to reclassify one (1) Finance Manager I incumbent to one (1) Finance Manager II as indicated in Attachment A, effective February 8, 2025;
b. Direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget and the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage Human Resources Management (HRM) system.
The Human Resources Department completed a classification study of one (1) Finance Manager I incumbent in the Public Works, Facilities, and Parks department. The objective of the study was to determine if the incumbent was appropriately classified, and if not, to recommend a classification that accurately reflects the duties and responsibilities currently assigned to the incumbent.
The classification study found that the Finance Manager I classification does not accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities that the incumbent is performing. The incumbent is responsible for overseeing budget units within the Public Works, Facilities, and Parks department with complex guidelines, standards, and regulations. Given the scope of work, complexity, and consequence of error, it was determined that the appr...
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