File #: 25-101    Name: State Report
Type: General Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/4/2025 In control: Legislative Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action:
Title: Receive reports, provide direction, and consider positions and/or recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on: a. Status of the Legislature b. Legislation: i. AB 1 (Connolly) Residential property insurance: wildfire risk ii. AB 49 (Muratsuchi) Schoolsites and day care centers: entry requirements: immigration enforcement iii. AB 53 (Ramos) Personal income taxes: exclusion: Military Services Retirement and Surviving Spouse Benefit Payment Act iv. AB 226 (Calderon) California FAIR Plan Association v. AB 259 (Rubio) Open meetings: local agencies: teleconferences vi. AB 303 (Addis) Battery energy storage facilities vii. SB 23 (Valadares) Property taxation: exemption: disabled veteran homeowners viii. SB 72 (Caballero) The California Water Plan: long-term supply targets. - and State Budget request ix. SB 239 (Arrequin) Open meetings: teleconferencing: subsidiary bodies c. Special Session Updates i. Defending California Values (AB X1-1, AB X1-2, SB X1-1) ii. AB X1-2 and SB X1-2 Budget ...
Attachments: 1. 2025-02-10 State Report, 2. AB 1 (Connolly) Residential property insurance. wildfire risk. SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 3. AB 53 (Ramos) Personal income taxes. exclusion. Military Services Retirement - SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 4. AB 226 (Calderon) California FAIR Plan Association - SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 5. AB 259 (Rubio) Open meetings. local agencies. teleconferences. – SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 6. SB 23 (Valladares) Property taxation. exemption. disabled veteran homeowners. - SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 7. SB 72 (Caballero) California Water for All - SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 8. CA Budget - California Water Plan Budget Request – SB 72 (Caballero) - DRAFT SUPPORT LETTER, 9. SB 239 (Arreguín) Open meetings. teleconferencing subsidiary body. - SUPPORT DRAFT LETTER, 10. 2025-02-10 State Track


Receive reports, provide direction, and consider positions and/or recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on:

a.                     Status of the Legislature

b.                     Legislation:

i.                     AB 1 (Connolly) Residential property insurance: wildfire risk

ii.                     AB 49 (Muratsuchi) Schoolsites and day care centers: entry requirements: immigration enforcement

iii.                     AB 53 (Ramos) Personal income taxes: exclusion: Military Services Retirement and Surviving Spouse Benefit Payment Act

iv.                     AB 226 (Calderon) California FAIR Plan Association

v.                     AB 259 (Rubio) Open meetings: local agencies: teleconferences

vi.                     AB 303 (Addis) Battery energy storage facilities

vii.                      SB 23 (Valadares) Property taxation: exemption: disabled veteran homeowners

viii. SB 72 (Caballero) The California Water Plan: long-term supply targets. - and State Budget request

ix.                     SB 239 (Arrequin) Open meetings: teleconferencing: subsidiary bodies

c.                     Special Session Updates

i.                     Defending California Values (AB X1-1, AB X1-2, SB X1-1)

ii.                     AB X1-2 and SB X1-2 Budget Act of 2024 - Immigrant Removal Defense Funding

d.                     Governor’s Actions and Executive Orders

e.                     State Bill/Issues Track
