a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-17082 with Spay Neuter Imperative Project (SNIP) for the provision of all-inclusive spay/neuter clinics for domestic and feral cats of residents in unincorporated Monterey County communities, the City of Salinas, and Shelter Sniptember Clinics, adding $37,500 for a new total Agreement amount of $352,500, with no change to the Agreement term of September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to two future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed 10% ($31,500) of the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and the total Agreement amount does not exceed $384,000.
It is recommended that the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-17082 with Spay Neuter Imperative Project (SNIP) for the provision of all-inclusive spay/neuter clinics for domestic and feral cats of residents in unincorporated Monterey County communities, the City of Salinas, and Shelter Sniptember Clinics, adding $37,500 for a new total Agreement amount of $352,500, with no change to the Agreement term of September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to two future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed 10% ($31,500) of the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and the total Agreement amount does not exceed $384,000.
The County of Monterey Health Department’s Animal Services Program (County) is responsible for providing animal control services in the unincorporated areas of Monterey County and City of Salinas (City) via the newly created Jo...
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