File #: WRAFIN 25-016    Name: SVB GSA Subgrant Round 2 Amendment
Type: WRA FInance Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/3/2025 In control: Water Resources Agency Finance Committee
On agenda: 2/7/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider recommending that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to enter into an Amended Subgrant Agreement with the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency to receive funding for services in support of Sustainable Groundwater Management Round 2 Implementation Grants #4600015881 (SVBGSA) and #4600015624 (MCWDGSA), in the amount not to exceed $400,000; and recommend that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute up to two no-cost amendments to the Subgrant Agreement. (Staff Presenting: Shaunna Murray)
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. Original Agreement, 3. SGM R2 Amendment #1 Exhibits A thru C
Consider recommending that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to enter into an Amended Subgrant Agreement with the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency to receive funding for services in support of Sustainable Groundwater Management Round 2 Implementation Grants #4600015881 (SVBGSA) and #4600015624 (MCWDGSA), in the amount not to exceed $400,000; and recommend that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute up to two no-cost amendments to the Subgrant Agreement. (Staff Presenting: Shaunna Murray)
It is recommended that the Finance Committee:

a. Recommend that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to enter into an Amended Subgrant Agreement with the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency to receive funding for services in support of Sustainable Groundwater Management Round 2 Implementation Grants #4600015881 (SVBGSA) and #4600015624 (MCWDGSA), in the amount not to exceed $400,000; and

b. Recommend that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute up to two no-cost amendments to the Subgrant Agreement.

In 2022, the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (“SVBGSA”) adopted Groundwater Sustainability Plans (“GSP or GSPs”) for the Eastside Aquifer, Forebay Aquifer, Langley Area, and Upper Valley Aquifer Subbasins. Also in 2022, the SVBGSA and Marina Coast Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency (“MCWDGSA”) adopted a GSP for the Monterey Subbasin.

In 2024, the SVBGSA and MCWDGSA were awarded funding from the State of California Department of Water Resources for Sustainable Groundwater Management Round 2 (“SGM Round 2”) Implementation Grants. The SGM Round 2 grants to the SVBGSA and MCWDGSA include tasks related to expanding well r...

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