Public hearing to consider a Combined Development Permit to allow the repair and alteration of siding, doors, and windows on a historic single-family dwelling; demolition of a detached two-story guesthouse including after the fact approval of the demolition of the second story of the guesthouse and completion of the demolition of the lower-level; construction of a new 844 square foot guesthouse/pool house in the same location as guesthouse being demolished; property improvements consisting of a new garage roof and door installation, construction of a new outdoor pool and outdoor garden area; and development within 750 feet of archaeological resource.
Project Location: 48158 Highway 1 (APN 420-171-014-000), Coastlands, Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone
Proposed CEQA Action: Find that the project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission:
a. Find that the project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines and there are no exceptions to the exemption; and
b. Approve a Combined Development Permit consisting of:
1) Coastal Development Permit to allow for repairs and alterations to an historic single-family dwelling including replacement of siding, doors, windows, a new garage roof and garage door;
2) Coastal Development Permit to allow development within 750 feet of known archaeological resources; and
3) Coastal Administrative Permit and Design Approval to allow for demolition of a detached two-story guesthouse including after-the-fact approval of the demolition of the second story and completion of the demolition of the lower-level; construction of a new 844 square foot guesthouse/pool house in the same location as the guesthouse being demolished, and construction of a new outdoor pool and garden area.
A draft resolution, including findings and evid...
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