Before the Board of Supervisors in and for the
County of Monterey, State of California
Agreement No. A-11135
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to
execute Statement of Work No. 4 in the amount of $161,500 to
reconfigure the existing Advantage HRM system as directed by
the Board of Supervisors and develop an advanced training
manual for grant reporting, to add Amendment 1 in the amount of
$6,650 for investment wave modifications, to add Amendment 11
in the amount of $11,700 for accounting modifications and to add
Convey Taxport in the amount of $5,500 for newly adopted
federal 1099 reporting requirements for a total amended amount
of $10,099,359.50.
b. Approve the transfer of $161,500 from General Fund
Contingencies to the Capital Automation Project fund and
increase appropriations and estimated revenue in the Capital
Automation Fund 403-1110-8006), Appropriation Unit AUD006.
4/5ths vote required)
Upon motion of Supervisor Potter, seconded by Supervisor Armenta, and carried by those
members present, the Board hereby;
a. Approved and authorized the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute Statement of
Work No. 4 in the amount of $161,500 to reconfigure the existing Advantage HRM
system as directed by the Board of Supervisors and develop an advanced training manual
for grant reporting, to add Amendment 1 in the amount of $6,650 for investment wave
modifications, to add Amendment 11 in the amount of $11,700 for accounting
modifications and to add Convey Taxport in the amount of $5,500 for newly adopted
federal 1099 reporting requirements for a total amended amount of $10,099,359.50.
b. Approved the transfer of $161,500 from General Fund Contingencies to the Capital
Automation Project fund and increase appropriations and estimated revenue in the
Capital Automation Fund 403-1110-8006), Appropriation Unit AUD006.
PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 24t1 day of May, 2011, by the foll...
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