a. Approve and authorize the County of Monterey Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee, under the terms of National Cooperative Agreement 180233-002, to sign the purchase order for Cloud Infrastructure from Oracle through the third party reseller Mythics, LLC (CA: Mythics, LLC D/B/A Mythics, VIII, LLC), to access a suite of Database tools, Autonomous Oracle Database, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and technical support for the period of February 13, 2025 to February 12, 2026, in the amount of $210,000; and
b. Authorize the County of Monterey Contracts/Purchasing Officer to approve modifications to the purchase orders where the total modifications do not exceed 10% ($21,000) of the modified purchase orders and do not exceed the maximum aggregate amount of $231,000.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve and authorize the County of Monterey Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee, under the terms of National Cooperative Agreement 180233-002, to sign the purchase order for Cloud Infrastructure from Oracle through the third party reseller Mythics, LLC (CA: Mythics, LLC D/B/A Mythics, VIII, LLC), to access a suite of Database tools, Autonomous Oracle Database, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and technical support for the period of February 13, 2025 to February 12, 2026, in the amount of $210,000; and
b. Authorize the County of Monterey Contracts/Purchasing Officer to approve modifications to the purchase orders where the total modifications do not exceed 10% ($21,000) of the modified purchase orders and do not exceed the maximum aggregate amount of $231,000.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) proposes to use the hosted suite of Oracle Database platform to enhance the data tracking, analysis, and reporting of current and future administration of CalFresh and various other entitlements programs in Monterey County. By mining the existing data sets natively in Oracle,...
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